Plant Empowerment the basic principles
The theory and practical approach to Plant Empowerment are explained in the book “Plant Empowerment the basic principles”. The book has been written by three authors: ir. P.A.M. Geelen, ir. J.O. Voogt, and ing. P.A. van Weel. It is currently available in several languages.
In 350 pages, the book describes the physiological and physical aspects of growing crops in greenhouses.
The plant-physiological and physical principles are elaborated in a practical cultivation method that is applicable for all crops, all occurring climatic zones, and various types of greenhouses. With the help of clear step-by-step plans (road maps), you can get started right away.
In addition, the book provides a lot of useful technical information about greenhouses, installations, and sensors, which is helpful in assessing existing and new greenhouse concepts.
The book is richly illustrated with drawings, photos, graphs, and diagrams and is suitable for both educational and practical purposes.

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The authors of “Plant Empowerment the basic principles”, ir. P.A.M. Geelen, ir. J.O. Voogt and ing. P.A. van Weel have given a powerful innovative impulse to the worldwide pursuit of sustainable and profitable greenhouse horticulture.
Since its introduction in 2018, Plant Empowerment has enjoyed increasing international interest from growers, researchers, consultants, knowledge institutions, and policymakers. The book, which is available in Dutch, English, and Spanish, has already sold many thousands of copies in more than thirty countries.

Plant Empowerment the basic principles
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